Introducing Fine Exchange

Posted February 5, 2021 by Jeevanjot Singh ‐ 2 min read

Fine Exchange is a brand new trading platform for virtual assets built on a powerful open source trading facility. Trade your assets on a platform of next generation.


Fine Exchange is a virtual assets trading platform of next generation. It is powered by open source hollaex ecosystem utilizing the Hollaex Network shared by the liquidity of all the connected exchangs to hollaex network.

Hollaex ecosystem is built on a vision to gave the control of the dominating businesses markets called exchanges back to you and me.

With the emergence of crypto industry, we have seen a significant growth in open financial tools and trading software allowing the creation of open market places for people to trade digital assets. Exchanges are marketplaces that help us discover price through open supply and demand fundamentals and play an important role for fair access to markets and utilizing digital assets. Exchanges for a very long time have been multi-billion dollar venues accessible only to a few, however recently they have become more accessible as a result of technological break throughs and new trading mechanisms.

Fine Exchange is no exception! Its goal is to provide explicit services on top of Hollaex Platforms to help the vision to grow.

We are constantly working with Hollaex Developers to give our users best possible servies on our platforms.

Fine Exchange is fueled by XHT, Which helps it to utilize the services provided by surrounded nodes and power the exchange even more.

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The benefits of deploying exchange with Hollaex kit are remarkable. Any future updates will give immediate flexibility to update all the nodes easily with no work ahead and instantly serving them to our users. Fine Exchange always uses latest version of Hollaex Kit and deploy the necessary updates as soon as they become available.

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